When you download the latest version of the driver such as Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, run this driver in compatibility mode on a Windows 10 system. So if your device does not have a Windows 10 driver, how can you use it in Windows 10? How to make Windows 7 drivers work on Windows 10? You can try to install a Windows 7, 8 drivers in compatibility mode on Windows 10. So you cannot find the Windows 10 driver for this device. So in the device manager, some drivers will show as exclamation because of the non-compatible driver.Īnd in some condition, your devices are very old or produced by the OEM manufacturer such as the printers, these devices maybe not released the Windows 10 version driver. But there are some device drivers will not be installed error or it does not have Windows 10 version driver. After upgrading Windows 7, 8, 8.1 to Windows 10, all the drivers will be updated to the Windows 10 version.